Ayodhya Related news and blogs

Construct Buddha Temple at Ayodhya, India

Adding a twist to the Ram Temple potboiler, BJP’s Bahraich MP Savitri Bai Phule, who has been critical of her own party and government since long now, said on Sunday that a temple of Gautam Buddha should be constructed on the disputed site in as various statues excavated from the spot and academic research showed that the latter had close association with the place.

Phule’s remarks came two days after CM Yogi Adityanath asked his supporters to start preparing for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya . Talking to reporters in Allahabad , Phule said, “We demand the construction of a grand temple of Lord Gautam Buddha at the disputed site as statues of Buddha recovered during excavation and academic research show that the place is associated with Buddhism. Buddhism is the only religion which does not discriminate on the basis of caste and class.”

She said RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat had in 2015 expressed the need for reviewing reservation policy and said that she would launch a mass movement from Lucknow on December 16.

“I will fight till my last breath to stop review of reservation policy. The BJP and its outfits are against Dalits and reservation,” she added.

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Taking on her own party, Phule said, “BJP had given me ticket in 2014 Lok Sabha elections because they wanted a winnable candidate. I won because of my struggle and dedication. BJP had nothing to do with my victory in polls. Now, RSS and the BP want to change the Constitution to curtail the rights of Dalits and backwards.

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