LGBT Marriage Right

LGBT Marriage and Parentings Rights

LGBT community won its battle to decriminalise homosexuality. But the victory will gather real meaning only when they secure the right to marriage, inheritance, guardianship and adoption, say lawyers and activists .

The LGBTQ community welcomed the verdict that also said the society cannot dictate a sexual relationship between consenting adults.Many cut cakes and waved the rainbow flag which has come to be associated with the gay pride movement and is often used during marches held by the community.

They hugged, they cried tears of joy and they danced their hearts out as rainbow flags swirled the skies with the LGBTQ community breaking into impromptu jubilations on roads, in hotels and everywhere else after the Supreme Court Thursday decriminalised consensual gay sex.

Bollywood celebrities, authors, advocates, teachers, politicians and people from all walks of life joined the activists, who have been fighting a long-drawn battle against a colonial era law, in their celebrations after the apex court’s historic verdict granted them “a basic human right”.

Amid all celebrations, many also acknowledged their fight may still go on as a complete equality remains some distance away due to fears of police and mob violence and continuing legal obstacles to right to adoption and to gay marriages.

SC decriminalises Section 377

A five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court unanimously struck down a part of the 158-year-old law under Section 377 of the IPC, which criminalised consensual unnatural sex.

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Section 377 Verdict live updates: Supreme Court decriminalises gay sex

The LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer) community welcomed the verdict that also said the society cannot dictate a sexual relationship between consenting adults. Many cut cakes and waved the rainbow flag which has come to be associated with the gay pride movement and is often used during marches held by the community to reflect its diversity.

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